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August 14 2023 @ 8:00 am – August 18 2023 @ 12:00 pm
Hilliardton Marsh Research and Education Center is pleased to announce that we will be offering a Summer Camp for regional youth this August. If you are around ten years of age or older, we encourage you to apply to join our team at Hilliardton Marsh this fall.
About the Marsh Bandits Youth Summer Camp
Common Yellowthroats are easily found during the spring and summer in open wetland habitats like Hilliardton Marsh. Male Common Yellowthroats have a broad black masks across their faces; earning them the name ‘Marsh Bandits’ Listen for the male’s wichety-wichety-wichety song during summer.
We are hosting the Summer Camp for two weeks in August. On your application please select the week that best suits your schedule.
Campers will get the opportunity to join our team from 8-12 in the morning each day (guardians are responsible for transportation to and from the Marsh). Your child will get the opportunity to facilitate our banding operations in certain roles and observe banding up-close while additionally learning about wetland ecology through our daily educational programming.
The cost of this camp is 200$, or 150$ for Marsh Members.
About the application process
For 2023 we will be accepting two groups of five young aspiring naturalists. This program is designed to be small, to ensure we are providing an engaging outdoor experience for each individual.
SECTION A of the application is to be filled out by guardians. SECTION B of the application should be filled out be the child themselves. We look forward to hearing about your child’s interests so that we may tailor the programming accordingly. The ideal summer camp candidate will have an interest in birds or any of the other infinite wonders of the natural world. We have a large and diverse team of volunteers and staff to facilitate your child’s educational experience.
We are accepting applications until July 29th, and will contact you regarding your application before the end of that same week. If you have any questions regarding the camp or your application, please reach out to us at [email protected].